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The Australian Perspective

The Australians have at least three Major Stations on Antarctica with Mawson Station being one of the oldest ones since 1954 on the Antarctic Continent



Dr Jennifer Marohasy at the ARC Conference in London

Dr Jennifer Marohasy. a Scientist from Australia and an Antarctica expert is attending the ARC Conference in London. Here is some of what she shared:

In Denial about the Science – Part 2, ARC in London
November 4, 2023 By jennifer Leave a Comment

A Scientific Highlight from Jennifer's Part 2:

A Discussion between Jordan Peterson and Dr. Jennifer Marohasy"

Peterson: How do you know [when the melting (On Antarctica) will start and end]?’

‘The physics of the universe,’ I (Marohasy) called back, ‘There are cycles. We can forecast when they will begin and when they will end.’
I went on to mention the ‘Milankovitch cycles’, the 100,000-year cycles, that can be described mathematically relating to the orbit of the Earth about the sun and its changing eccentricity. This can be seen empirically in the ice-core data including from Vostok at the Antarctic. I could have gone on to explain that we are only now beginning to understand the likely effect of falling sea levels and changing orbits on submarine volcanism that likely increases dramatically, precipitating the end to each of the last half dozen or so ice ages.

Read the rest, the whole thing at Jennifer's Blog here:
Part 1:

 Reconciling with Nature – God and Qantas (Part 1, Arriving London) - Jennifer Marohasy


Part 2: :


Part 3:

Political and Natural Hazards, ARC Part 3 - Jennifer Marohasy









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